When it comes to sketching the impact that the kind of products you use have on your outcome is huge! There's many types and brands you can pick from, it can differ on what you choose to use depending on what you’re working on. I will show you the differences in why which size Mono Drawing Pen matters and why grids are important and more using all @TombowUSA products. These gifted products are some of my favorites and go to daily products I’ve used for over 10 years now!
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Above we have the @TombowUSA Mono Drawing Pens, these are water-based pigment ink markers that have 6 different tip sizes. These specific markers are perfect for precise line drawings and writing.
The sketch above shows 4 uses of different “tip” markers. For the face I used 01, hair and body frame used 03, for the outline details I used an 08. An 08 is the thickest line with these Mono Drawing Markers from @TombowUSA, this makes the sketch “pop” off the page. Lastly the flower details in the dress and I used an 05 marker for that.
Let’s talk about the importance of Grid Lines and why we should use them more often when sketching. Grid lines can be used for many purposes when doing an illustration. They can actually help with keeping the eyes of your sketch symmetrical while sketching. Grid lines can also help with creating the body proportions and making it easier for you to get your focus on.
Some Top Tips for illustration: Sketching is a skill, Sketching is at least 50 % observation, Use your resources, Look for basic shapes, Use a full range of value, Use line quality, Stay consistent with your style, Know your medium, Loosen up, Practice-practice and even more practice.
Lastly the @TombowUSA Septcouleur Notepads, I am obsessed with these! They are perfect for creating your “To-Do List” for the day or week. I think these notepads would a great stocking stuffer as well, especially since they fit nice and snug in a regular sized purse or tote. So awesome for on the go artist!